Cities are a complex human ecosystem. When they work well, creativity flows, communities evolve and people flourish. When they don’t work it's because of an imbalance in wealth distribution and this stifles the life of the city.

HOME sees the imbalance in our current cities, and the disproportionate positive effect that technology can have. So we are resetting the operating system for the way we fund and build our cities.
HOME makes it easy for money to flow toward sustainable affordable housing projects. We make it simple and intuitive enough that anyone, from the affordable housing tenant to the institutional investor, can put their money into these assets.
We are doing this with a phased approach that aims to weave together several strategies to unlock what is a complex and disjointed problem.
HOME Platforms for Urban Affordable Housing
Many of the 1.6 billion globally who lack adequate shelter are yet to be connected to traditional financial systems. Our programs center around empowerment. To empower people from being dependent to independent, we start with the financial transformation.
Three Pillars of Financial Transformation
Pillar 1: ESG
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Framework for Affordable Housing to Measure Progress and Success.
Pillar 2: P2P
Peer-to-peer (P2P) Platform & other eFinancial Services (eFS) for ESG Affordable Housing.
Pillar 3: Connected Homes
Connected Homes App for our ecosystem participants to aggregate social, economic, and environmental benefits, and enhance ESG performance.
We focus on removing the financial barriers of the affordable housing crisis and data plays a pivotal role. Our ESG digital platform collects data from housing providers and individuals to create detailed rankings that investors can then use to take standardized approaches to investment decisions. We leverage data from the connected homes to aggregate social, economic, and environmental benefits, and to incentivize the building of smart and sustainable housing.
Connected home devices is a key supplier of data to underpin these rankings and help streamline the investment process into these assets. Air quality sensors can help determine health metrics, energy monitors can indicate the affordability of an asset for the tenant or the owner.
This drive towards an ESG driven world is a noble aim, however, it demands ever greater levels of data as the indicators for success. To avoid leaving people behind this means we need to invest into technologies that give everyone a seat at the table. Our end goal is to fund connected home devices purchases and installations through our P2P platform, creating a marketplace that brings capacity to organisations of all sizes, helping reduce global disparities and welcoming a long-term benefit for all.

Our Pillars are Intrinsically Linked to Empower Multi-stakeholders
Each of our pillars brings value as stand alone tools, however, they offer much greater value as a collection of solutions. The ESG framework and platform offers the lens through which affordable housing assets can be more easily assessed on a global level. The platform itself is not simply a data collection tool but a community where developers and individuals can come together to learn, share best practice and collectively improve toward the commonly agreed best standards.
The P2P platform naturally flows from this community, as most of these entities will be seeking an ESG rating in order to prove to investors and lenders that they are building to a high standard. Through this portal those in need of finance can apply for it and depending on the situation, they can get connected to donors, lenders, or impact investors. As one community grows, naturally the other grows and the ESG data continues to support decisions.
The connected homes pillar strives to build data into the fabric of our homes, as a tool to ensure that the larger developers in our system can be held to account. Data from connected smart devices is much more trustworthy than self reported data, and it is this data that can then flow into the ESG framework. These devices are optional, but provide a further layer of certainty to the ESG framework. If investors start to mandate these devices then our marketplace can connect suppliers with developers and the cost of implementation can be shared, since the benefit of installing them is mutual.

ESG Affordable Housing Index in partnership with NASDAQ
The World Home Foundation is creating, in partnership with NASDAQ, a first-of-its-kind ESG Affordable Housing Index. This will incorporate the value chain of the affordable housing life cycle.
We are now in the detailed design phase of the project and have 2 key tasks we are seeking help with:
Advice on an affordable housing taxonomy.
We are building a map of the landscape, from materials suppliers to housing investment, development and management companies. This will help determine the categories that the index contains.
Assistance building the initial universe.
We are aiming to curate a list of 50+ companies from around the world who fit our criteria. Each of these companies also requires a 3rd party data source for each of the index criteria.*
*For example, one criteria relies on knowing the number of homes a company has built/contributed toward. This index criteria would need a data source that is not self reported to be added as the reference that can be regularly checked to understand if they can remain in the index.
We welcome like-minded experts and organizations to help us build this new index and unlock capital for the affordable housing value chain globally. Please reach out to us below.

Join Our Journey
Our mission is to solve the affordable housing crisis. This means no more people living in unsuitable accommodation, anywhere. Everyone should live in a home of the highest environmental and quality standard possible.
It is an ambitious mission, and that is why we need your help. If you are a donor, landowner, property developer, municipality, investor, financial institution or just believe that you can help, please sign our pledge and join the HOME movement tackling one of the most pressing problems facing our world today.

The HOME Pledge
Donor: I pledge to support the HOME platform for urban affordable housing through charitable donations.
Developer: I pledge to build some new sustainable & affordable housing, or retrofit some of my existing properties to meet net zero standards.
Landowner: I pledge to provide land at a discounted rate to be used for the building of new sustainable and affordable housing.
City (Municipality/Council): I pledge to identify land, or opportunities for public private partnership, for the creation of new sustainable & affordable housing, or the retrofitting of existing properties to meet net zero standards.
Investor: I pledge to invest capital into the HOME platform fund, and or other digital bonds.
Finance Institution: I pledge to partner with the HOME platform to help facilitate the movement of capital into sustainable and affordable housing projects.